Tag: positive psychology

  • Leveraging Election Year Challenges to Enhance Workplace Trust and Inclusion

    As 2024 unfolds, we’re entering what many are calling the biggest election year in history. With over 60 countries holding elections and more than 3 billion people expected to vote, the political climate is bound to spill into workplaces around the globe. While some may see this as a distraction, forward-thinking organisations can seize this…

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    Leveraging Election Year Challenges to Enhance Workplace Trust and Inclusion
  • Putting People First: The Essential Strategy for Success

    With the workplace continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, a fundamental question arises: Are companies truly embracing a people-first approach, and what does it really mean? In today’s tech-driven world, job-specific skills have long been the focus of recruitment and professional development efforts. However, a notable shift is underway, placing increasing emphasis on skills…

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    Putting People First: The Essential Strategy for Success
  • Why now is the time to priortise your own wellbeing

    How are you? It’s a question so many of us brush off with a simple ‘fine’. But with the year fast coming to a close, a period where many of us can feel burned out, let’s take the time to consider how we really are, by creating the space to focus on our own wellbeing.…

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    Why now is the time to priortise your own wellbeing
  • Why you can’t have performance without wellbeing

    For the last two years, we have been living through a health crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has brought home to many of us just how fragile and precious our physical health – and the health of our loved ones – is. It has also taken its toll on our mental health, whether through anxiety about…

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    Why you can’t have performance without wellbeing
  • Learning from bees and starlings: Introducing TeamFlow

    Have you ever looked up at the sky at dusk and witnessed a murmuration of starlings? It’s a breathtaking, awe-inspiring sight: a whirling mass of thousands of birds wheeling, darting and swooping in unison. As a collective they just seem to know – seamlessly, effortlessly and joyfully – where to go and what to do.…

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    Learning from bees and starlings: Introducing TeamFlow
  • Facing Change Positively

    We live in a fast-paced and ever evolving world. With advancements in technology and globalisation it is critical, now more than ever, to be agile and change rapidly and effectively. When we think about the world of work 10 years ago, there has been unprecedented levels of change. Organisations which haven’t kept up with these…

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    Facing Change Positively
  • Everyone Has A Role to Play: Unique Contribution & Team Flow

    A unit of a team has more power than the individuals within it. Yet every single person within the team needs to feel they are making their own contribution and understand why they are on the team and what they are bringing to the party. We all need to think and feel:  “this is my…

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    Everyone Has A Role to Play: Unique Contribution & Team Flow