The secret to high-performing teams: it’s flow
Here’s a little nudge to shake up how you think about developing and investing in some very important people: your team. Traditional team building and development approaches tend to be based on a deficit model (focusing on what’s lacking), strictly hierarchical and with a belief that creating high-performing individuals is what will add up to…
Ten micro-actions to boost your wellbeing
At the start of a new year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by messages around creating a ‘new you’. While aiming to make positive changes to our lives is not in itself a negative, the fact is that many of us set unrealistic goals, setting ourselves up to fail. We try to achieve too much,…
Why now is the time to priortise your own wellbeing
How are you? It’s a question so many of us brush off with a simple ‘fine’. But with the year fast coming to a close, a period where many of us can feel burned out, let’s take the time to consider how we really are, by creating the space to focus on our own wellbeing.…
The power of conversations at work
It might be stating the obvious, but business is about people. Yes, digital tools help boost efficiency but the essence of business and delivering high quality work comes down to people – individuals being able to play to their strengths and the relationships within teams. With many of us now coming together in person more…
Why you can’t have performance without wellbeing
For the last two years, we have been living through a health crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has brought home to many of us just how fragile and precious our physical health – and the health of our loved ones – is. It has also taken its toll on our mental health, whether through anxiety about…
Resilience and Positive Wellbeing in Times of Great Uncertainty
A blog from Anna Maasland, Bailey & French Consultant In the past few days (and weeks) I have seen many working from home articles discussing how to make it meaningful and keep human connections. We are all going through unprecedented times and having to be innovative and work in ways that are alien to us.…