At the start of a new year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by messages around creating a ‘new you’. While aiming to make positive changes to our lives is not in itself a negative, the fact is that many of us set unrealistic goals, setting ourselves up to fail. We try to achieve too much,…
By Renay Lloyd Integrating strengths-based processes into talent management systems can help companies manage biases and drive innovation and inclusion. At Bailey & French, we’re seeing more of our clients across the public and private sectors wanting to allocate more time, resources, and budget, to building inclusive cultures – and rightly so! Diverse and inclusive…
How are you? It’s a question so many of us brush off with a simple ‘fine’. But with the year fast coming to a close, a period where many of us can feel burned out, let’s take the time to consider how we really are, by creating the space to focus on our own wellbeing.…
Organisations are not islands in society. The decisions leaders make and the behaviours people display can have profound impacts. Picture a stone being dropped into a calm pool, causing a ripple effect that grows ever larger: this is the effect a company can have within its community. Responsible businesses and purpose-led leaders recognise this and…
When it comes to creating inclusive organisations, leadership really matters. According to 2020 research published in the Harvard Business Review, what leaders say and do makes up to a 70% difference as to whether someone reports feeling included at work. And individuals that feel included are more engaged, motivated and productive – enabling people to…
By Oriana Knopf The great thing about the topic of employee disengagement gaining traction again – most recently rebranded as ‘quiet quitting’ – is that it puts the focus back on the support that employees and leaders really want – and need. In 2013, Gallup estimated that employees who are actively disengaged cost the US…
Work is a thing you do, not a place you go. That phrase has become more meaningful to many of us over the past couple of years, as those with location-agnostic roles (jobs that can be done from anywhere with a decent Wi-Fi connection) have moved from office-based working to home-working… and back again. Most…
Do you feel like you can be yourself at work? Considering that over the course of our lifetime, the average person spends 84,365 hours working, it’s an important question to ponder. If you’re unable to show up as your authentic self, that’s 9.6 years you spend pretending to be someone you’re not. Not only is…
If there’s one thing many of us have been in short supply of over the last couple of years, it’s confidence. The world we live in has been so volatile and so uncertain – a pandemic, a war on European soil, an unstable British government and now a probable looming recession – that looking to…
By Anthony Fitton So, the great resignation continues… and with it the great regret – with many returning to old roles and others moving on too quickly. Then there are those who remain but are feeling a bit stuck. Either way, there’s a big cost to businesses: recruitment and onboarding, loss of productivity and of…
In the UK we work hard… very hard. According to a study by the TUC, we work the longest hours in Europe: 42 hours per week compared to Germany’s 40 hours, France’s 39 and Denmark’s 37.7. That all adds up to two extra weeks of work a year. But despite logging that additional time, we…
By Holly Holm-Powell “The shift from survive to thrive depends on an organisation becoming, and remaining, distinctly human at its core. This isn’t just a different way of thinking and acting. It’s a different way of being.”Deloitte, 2021 Over the past couple of years, our leaders and managers have really had to step up and…
By Mike Pearson There’s no doubt that skills-based organisations are on the rise. The shift is clear – businesses are moving away from traditional roles and job titles and instead focusing on the specific skills people bring to the table. It’s an approach that promises agility, innovation, and a competitive edge. But as technical skills…
By Mike Pearson We’re living in an age of unprecedented change. Technology is evolving at lightning speed, workplaces are becoming more flexible, and expectations are higher than ever. In the midst of all this, one thing remains constant: people. And if we want our organisations to thrive in the future, we must focus on something…
When we think about the future of work, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of artificial intelligence and automation. We constantly hear how machines are going to do this faster, and that smarter, and generally more efficiently than us humans ever could. And while there’s some truth to that, there’s one thing…
By Dr Kear Brain, Chartered Clinical Psychologist & Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) To be human is to suffer, to face mortality and the truth of impermanence. To be human is to breathe and grieve and love. As humans we have an innate capacity for connection and a fundamental need for belonging – to find our…
As we stand on the cusp of an AI revolution, it’s becoming increasingly clear that artificial intelligence is not just reshaping the workplace but redefining the very essence of our professional and personal lives. However, as with any transformative force, there will be winners and losers (and I don’t mean like a scene from Terminator).…
As 2024 unfolds, we’re entering what many are calling the biggest election year in history. With over 60 countries holding elections and more than 3 billion people expected to vote, the political climate is bound to spill into workplaces around the globe. While some may see this as a distraction, forward-thinking organisations can seize this…
With the workplace continuing to evolve at a rapid pace, a fundamental question arises: Are companies truly embracing a people-first approach, and what does it really mean? In today’s tech-driven world, job-specific skills have long been the focus of recruitment and professional development efforts. However, a notable shift is underway, placing increasing emphasis on skills…
By Mike Pearson In the throes of the modern workplace, where change is the only constant and burnout feels like an ever-present spectre, Human Resources finds itself at the forefront of a transformative movement. A crucial aspect of this transformation lies not only in making pivotal decisions for change but also in meticulously considering the…
Ever experienced that familiar end-of-day frustration when you glance at your to-do list only to find it has mysteriously multiplied? The struggle to feel a genuine sense of accomplishment in your workday becomes even more challenging. Traditional to-do lists, a hallmark of many people’s productivity practices, can quickly transform from helpful tools to overwhelming burdens.…
In the dynamic landscape of today’s workplace, fostering a culture that encourages both psychological safety and psychological bravery is essential for performance and wellbeing. Organisations that help their leaders create this sense of belonging which empowers their people to share ideas, speak up, give feedback, and challenge the status quo, will innovate, and adapt to…
By Katie Jacobs For all the value it delivers to organisations, is there a more poorly named function than HR? In an era where people crave more than ever to be seen and treated as individuals, to describe them as merely ‘Resources’, working to maximise the fortunes of the company, can leave a bad taste.…
By Katie Jacobs From extreme weather events to the cost-of-living crisis, the case for business leaders to take environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues seriously has never been clearer. But with so many competing priorities on the table – global economic and political instability for one – it can be tempting to let ESG slip…
By Katie Jacobs Wherever you live and work in the world, it’s likely the society around you is becoming more diverse, driven by factors like globalisation, immigration and the increasing accessibility of travel. But while our communities and workplaces may be becoming more diverse, that doesn’t automatically play out into greater levels of inclusion. People…
By Katie Jacobs Without meaning to get anyone reading this too depressed, there’s a lot going on in the world right now that can make it hard to remain mentally strong. Financial insecurities for many, the destablishing speed to technological change (will I be replaced by a robot?), and a barrage of worrying headlines, from…
By Katie Jacobs We’ve all heard the adage ‘people don’t leave organisations; they leave managers’. It’s a bit of a cliche, but it’s nonetheless true. Individual leaders and managers have a huge impact on people’s wellbeing. In fact, according to a recent study of workers across 10 countries by The Workforce Institute at UKG, managers…
By Katie Jacobs Those who choose to work in the public sector are often driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to help others. But while having purpose and meaning is linked to wellbeing and positive emotions, those who spend their lives looking after others can sometimes neglect to show themselves the…
By Richard Nicholson In the ever-changing world of banking, leaders have a crucial role to play. By prioritising their teams and fostering a people-first culture, they can drive productivity and help navigate uncertainty. But can it really be that easy? We all know the challenges faced by leaders are plentiful: reducing costs, preparing for long-term…
By Katie Jacobs It would be hard to find an organisation today that doesn’t at least ‘talk the talk’ on the importance of wellbeing. After all, there’s no shortage of evidence that wellbeing IS a business issue. Take research from Deloitte, for instance, that found for every £1 employers invest in supporting their people’s mental…
By Katie Jacobs What do leaders need to focus on to succeed in today’s challenging work environment? According to 90% of HR leaders surveyed by Gartner, it’s not finances, strategy or operational excellence – although we aren’t for a moment suggesting you completely forget about these. It’s the more human aspects of leadership that make…
By Emily Murton I’m sure most of you have heard of the ‘employee life cycle’, otherwise known as the ELC. Every interaction, every touch point, and every stage of this cycle contributes to an employee’s perception of the organisation, and as leaders, we must consider how to humanise each stage to ensure continued motivation, performance…
Are human skills becoming obsolete? With the increasing pace of technological advancement through AI tools such as ChatGPT, it’s not an outlandish question to ask. AI can now write essays on almost any topic, unpack complex ideas, solve tricky maths problems… and even construct jokes (admittedly, not very good ones). Despite these innovations, many of…
How much time do you spend online? If you’re the average ‘global internet user’, then it’s almost seven hours per day, according to 2022 research. And for people who spend the majority of their working days looking at a screen, that might even seem like a conservative estimate. While technology is undoubtedly a force for…
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” That quote from American businessman Henry Ford might be almost 100 years old, but it remains as relevant today, if not even more so. With many of us having settled into a hybrid way of working – according to Accenture’s 2021 Future of…
Here’s a little nudge to shake up how you think about developing and investing in some very important people: your team. Traditional team building and development approaches tend to be based on a deficit model (focusing on what’s lacking), strictly hierarchical and with a belief that creating high-performing individuals is what will add up to…
For the last two years, we have been living through a health crisis. The coronavirus pandemic has brought home to many of us just how fragile and precious our physical health – and the health of our loved ones – is. It has also taken its toll on our mental health, whether through anxiety about…